Posters: Authors
Poster Authors: How to Add Poster Authors
What is a Poster Author? Poster Authors are the individuals who completed research and compiled their findings into a poster format. Posters can have multiple authors; the person or people who completed most of the research are usually listed as ...
Poster Authors: How to Edit & Delete Poster Authors
1. To make edits to the event platform page, log into the event platform and access the admin page EVA Tip: You can only make changes to the event platform with Admin access 2. In the left column, click on Posters, and in the drop-down menu that ...
Poster Authors: How to Add Poster Authors
What is a Poster Author? Poster Authors are the individuals who completed research and compiled their findings into a poster format. Posters can have multiple authors; the person or people who completed most of the research are usually listed as ...
Poster Authors: How to Edit & Delete Poster Authors
1. To make edits to the event platform page, log into the event platform and access the admin page EVA Tip: You can only make changes to the event platform with Admin access 2. In the left column, click on Posters, and in the drop-down menu that ...