Sessions: Session Survey Setup
Session Survey Setup: How to create a Survey or Quiz
1. To make edits to the event platform page, log into the event platform and access the admin page EVA Tip: You can only make changes to the event platform with Admin access 2. On the left column, click on Sessions, and in the drop-down menu that ...
Session Survey Setup: General Surveys vs. Session Surveys vs. Review Quizzes
What is a General Survey? A General Survey is a questionnaire that organizations may deploy after an event, in order to collect feedback and input on the event's effectiveness and to plan for the next event. Most General Surveys typically ask ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Add a Survey Field
What is a Survey Field? A Survey Field is a question you can create to add to different surveys. These questions are meant for feedback purposes only. To learn how to create Quiz Field questions, click here. 1. To make edits to the event platform ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Edit and Delete a Survey Field
What is a Survey Field? A Survey Field is a question you can create to add to different surveys. These questions are meant for feedback purposes only. To learn how to edit and delete Quiz Field questions, click here. 1. To make edits to the event ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Add a Quiz Field
What is a Quiz Field? A Quiz Field is a question you can create to add to a review quiz or other evaluation, usually for Continuing Education credits. These questions are meant to test the attendee's knowledge of the material they learned throughout ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Edit and Delete a Quiz Field
What is a Quiz Field? A Quiz Field is a question you can create to add to a review quiz or other evaluation, usually for Continuing Education credits. These questions are meant to test the attendee's knowledge of the material they learned throughout ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Edit or Delete a Survey or Quiz
1. To make edits to the event platform page, log into the event platform and access the admin page EVA Tip: You can only make changes to the event platform with Admin access 2. On the left column, click on Sessions, and in the drop-down menu that ...
Session Survey Setup: How to create a Survey or Quiz
1. To make edits to the event platform page, log into the event platform and access the admin page EVA Tip: You can only make changes to the event platform with Admin access 2. On the left column, click on Sessions, and in the drop-down menu that ...
Session Survey Setup: General Surveys vs. Session Surveys vs. Review Quizzes
What is a General Survey? A General Survey is a questionnaire that organizations may deploy after an event, in order to collect feedback and input on the event's effectiveness and to plan for the next event. Most General Surveys typically ask ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Add a Survey Field
What is a Survey Field? A Survey Field is a question you can create to add to different surveys. These questions are meant for feedback purposes only. To learn how to create Quiz Field questions, click here. 1. To make edits to the event platform ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Edit and Delete a Survey Field
What is a Survey Field? A Survey Field is a question you can create to add to different surveys. These questions are meant for feedback purposes only. To learn how to edit and delete Quiz Field questions, click here. 1. To make edits to the event ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Add a Quiz Field
What is a Quiz Field? A Quiz Field is a question you can create to add to a review quiz or other evaluation, usually for Continuing Education credits. These questions are meant to test the attendee's knowledge of the material they learned throughout ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Edit and Delete a Quiz Field
What is a Quiz Field? A Quiz Field is a question you can create to add to a review quiz or other evaluation, usually for Continuing Education credits. These questions are meant to test the attendee's knowledge of the material they learned throughout ...
Session Survey Setup: How to Edit or Delete a Survey or Quiz
1. To make edits to the event platform page, log into the event platform and access the admin page EVA Tip: You can only make changes to the event platform with Admin access 2. On the left column, click on Sessions, and in the drop-down menu that ...